DyStopia: Into a potential future of IEEE VIS under Plan S

Map showing dots for population density. The map projection is Alan K. Philbrick's interrupted sinu-Mollweide. Red dots show lost authors to IEEE VIS because their country has Plan S funders. Blue dots show population in general.
2023 was the first year that IEEE VIS authors felt the full brunt of Plan S compliance. Many scientists in Europe and around the world discovered that their funding agencies prohibited them from publishing in IEEE TVCG because the journal was not truly open access. The lack of a clear plan from IEEE to address this predictable problem effectively excluded many authors from VIS, leading to the conference’s substantial decline in submission and attendance in the following decades. Note from 2022: lost authors was speculated.
In this manuscript, we take a look at the dystopian future that could lie ahead of VIS should we fail to consider the impact of Plan S. It is the year 2030 and researchers from Europe have not been submitting their research to IEEE VIS for a number of years. We quickly retrace what led to this unfortunate outcome in the hope to avoid it and start an important conversation that would raise awareness in the VIS community about the importance and immediacy of Plan S.
PDF | Preprint | DOI | Supplement | Teaser Observable | Award | BibTeX | alt.VIS 2022 Most Dystopian Award!
Lonni Besançon
Thumbnail image for publication titled: DyStopia: Into a potential future of IEEE VIS under Plan S
DyStopia: Into a potential future of IEEE VIS under Plan S

Lonni Besançon and Cody Dunne. Proc. alt.VIS workshop at IEEE VIS—alt.VIS. 2022. DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/gbcdr

PDF | Preprint | DOI | Supplement | Teaser Observable | Award | BibTeX | alt.VIS 2022 Most Dystopian Award!

Cody Dunne, Vis Lab — Northeastern University
West Village H, Room 302F
440 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USA